Early ultrasound dating wrong
Dating > Early ultrasound dating wrong
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Dating > Early ultrasound dating wrong
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Click on link to view: ※ Early ultrasound dating wrong - Link ※ Beth1997 ♥ Profile
If the scan finds there might be a problem, what happens next? Coincidentally, most also happen by 7 weeks' gestation. No analgesia is required for this ultrasound. What types of ultrasound are there?
Waayy out of sync with an obgyn schedule. This is the result of normal midgut proliferation and will resolve by 11 weeks as the fetus lengthens. If you're not sure, talk to your midwife.
Ultrasound scans in pregnancy - Your choice will be respected if you decide not to have the scans, and your antenatal care will continue as normal. I was 10 weeks pregnant.